
FIG Council

Facing the Challenges - Building the Capasity

Vice President CheeHai Teo - 2009-2010 and Incoming President  2011-2014

Curriculum Vitae

CheeHai TEO
Date of birth
  23rd December 1959
Nationality  Malaysian
Status Married with three children
Current Position Advisor, Geometra Surveys Sdn Bhd & Jurukur Perunding Services Sdn Bhd (Malaysia)

Professional Career

Mr. CheeHai TEO is Licensed and Chartered Surveyor in the private practice. His key experience is in the area of planning, implementation, supervision and management of surveying projects that encompass a variety of inter-related activities and tasks as well as interaction with allied professionals, primarily in coastal zone management, real estate development and the provision of project and technical consultancy in land and hydrographic surveying. He has worked at various localities and sites all over Malaysia and overseas.

The General Assembly, in Sydney, Australia (April 2010) selected Teo CheeHai as the FIG President for the period 1.1.2011-31.12.2014.

Born in a Batu Pahat, Johor in southern peninsular Malaysia, he had his primary and secondary education there before completing his basic degree in surveying (Bachelor of Applied Science (Surveying)) with distinction from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia in 1980. He completed his Masters of Science (Land Administration and Development) with University Technology Malaysia in 2004.

Shortly after completing his tertiary education, he accepted a job offer from a surveying organization with regional affiliations and has been with the organization since.

He is a Fellow of the Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (ISM) and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), a member of the Association of Authorised Land Surveyors Malaysia (AALSM) and the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute, Australia (SSSI).

Currently, he is a Council Member of AALSM and the ASEAN Federation of Land Surveying and Geomatics (ASEAN FLAG); a member of the RICS Malaysia; RICS Asia Education and Standards Board and a member of RICS Malaysia Working Group.

He is a Past Honorary Secretary General of ASEAN FLAG; a Past President, a Past Secretary General and a Past Council Member of ISM; a past Chair of RICS Malaysia; a past member of RICS Asia Board; a past Vice President, a past Secretary General and a past Treasurer of AALSM, the sole FIG member association from Malaysia.

He was appointed by the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Malaysia in 1999 to the Second National Economic Consultative Council (NECC II) (1999/2000), the output of the Council helped shaped Malaysia’s ten-year development programme. In 2002, he was appointed by the Hon. Minister of Finance Malaysia to the inaugural Board of Directors of Professional Services Development Corporation Pte. Ltd. (PSDC) for a term of two years and in 2006 was appointed by the Hon. Minister of Works Malaysia to the PSDC Consultative Panel. In 2003, he was appointed by the Hon. Minister of Land and Cooperative Development Malaysia to the Land Surveyors Board and this appointment extended for a further two years by the Hon. Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Malaysia in June 2005 and again in June 2007. In 2000, he was asked by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry Malaysia to join Malaysia’s Delegation to the ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Services (CCS) and subsequently to other trade negotiating forums representing the Surveying Profession. He played a key role in realizing the ASEAN Framework Arrangement on the Mutual Recognition of Surveying Qualifications that was concluded in 2007.

His past involvement in FIG included being a Member of the Task Force on Governance (2005 – 2006), Nomination Review Group (2003 – 2006) and Task Force on Mutual Recognition of Qualification (1999 - 2002). He has been the national delegate from Malaysia to the FIG 1999-2008.

Presentations and Publications

Presentations at conferences include:

In addition he has made many other presentations at Malaysian Survey Congresses and National Real Estate Conventions; Continuing Professional Development Programs and Talks to the institution of Surveyors Malaysia, Board of Valuers Appraisers and Estate Agents Malaysia, Joint Malaysian Land Surveyors Board Meetings, Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents and Association of Valuers & Property Consultants in Private Practice Malaysia.

He has also contributed towards the publication of:


Teo CheeHai

Association of Authorised Land Surveyors Malaysia
c/o  Geometra Surveys Sdn Bhd
7 (Ground Floor) Jalan Industri PBP 3
Taman Industri Pusat Bandar Puchong
47100 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan

Tel:  + 60-3-8068 6188
Fax:  + 60-3-8068 6199
email:  chteo.surveyor@gmail.com


15 December 2010

  About FIG  
General Assembly
Task Forces
Permanent Institutions
General Assembly
Task Forces
Permanent Institutions
Council 2023-2026  
Council 2019-2022  
Council 2015-2018  
Council 2011-2014  
Council 2007-2010  
Council 2003-2006  
Council 1999-2002  
Council 1996-1998  
General Information
Work Plan
Reports and Publications
Council Members
President Enemark (2007-2011)
Vice President Alnaggar (2007-2012)
Vice President Higgins (2007-2010)
Vice President Teo (2009-2010)
Vice President Allred (2005-2008)
Vice President van der Molen (2007-2008)
Vice President Greenwayn (2009-2012)