
FIG Council

Facing the Challenges - Building the Capasity

President Mr. Stig Enemark, 2007-2011

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Stig Enemark
Date of birth
  1 February 1943
Nationality Danish
Status Single - 2 children, Karin 1963 and Jens 1965


Professional Career

Professor Stig Enemark was born 1943 in Copenhagen. He studied at the Royal Academy of Agriculture in Copenhagen and obtained the degree of M.Sc. in Surveying, Planning and Land Management in 1966. In 1970 he was licensed for cadastral surveying and he worked for ten years as a consultant surveyor in private practice, specializing in cadastral surveying and land management.

Since 1980 he has been employed at Aalborg University where he is currently a full Professor in PBL (Problem Based Learning) and Land Management. For fourteen years (1991-2005) he was Head and Managing Director of the School of Surveying and Planning.

He was the President of the Danish Association of Chartered Surveyors (DdL) 2003-2006. In 1984-1994 he was chairman of the professional committee, and during 1994-2003 he served as Vice-President of the association being responsible for educational strategies and international affairs. He is an Honourable Member of DdL.

He has been the Danish delegate to the Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE) 1997-2006, and he is an invited Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), UK.

He has consulted widely to the Danish National Survey and Cadastre and he played a key role in implementing the Danish Cadastral Reform. He has also worked as a consultant for the EU and the World Bank especially in Eastern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America on the establishment of appropriate land administration systems and related issues such as capacity building, education, and training.

He has been active in FIG since 1984 as the Danish national delegate to Commission 2 (Professional Education). He served as chairman of Commission 2 (1994-1998) and he was chair of the FIG Task Force on Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications (1998-2002). In 1999 he was appointed an Honorary Member of FIG. He was elected Vice-President of FIG 2005-2006 and President 2007-2010.

He has more than 300 publications to his credit in the areas of cadastre, land administration, land management and spatial planning, and in the areas of professional education and capacity building. He has presented invited papers at more than 75 international conferences. 2009 is among others author of the book Land Administration for Sustainable Development. Read more. A full CV and a full list of publications is available on www.land.aau.dk/~enemark

Pictures for publications (high-resolution .jpg):

Picture 1 for printed publications (1.8 MB) Picture 2 for printed publications (1.8 MB)
Picture 3 for printed publications (3.4 MB) Picture 4 for printed publications (3.1 MB)

Papers and Presentations within FIG since the year 2000



Prof. Stig Enemark
Aalborg University
Department of Development and Planning
Fibigerstraede 11
DK-9220 Aalborg
Tel. + 45 9940 8344
Fax + 45 9815 6541
Email: enemark@land.aau.dk 

25 May 2010

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Council Members
President Enemark (2007-2011)
Vice President Alnaggar (2007-2012)
Vice President Higgins (2007-2010)
Vice President Teo (2009-2010)
Vice President Allred (2005-2008)
Vice President van der Molen (2007-2008)
Vice President Greenwayn (2009-2012)