
FIG Council

Shaping the Change

Vice President T. N. Wong, 2003-2006

Curriculum Vitae

Mr. T. N.  (Thien-Nyen) Wong
Date of birth
: 7 August 1944
Nationality  Hong Kong SAR, China
Status Married to Madam Soo, Pak-Mee with two daughters Wing-nga (born 14.9.1973) and Wing-lam (born 10.11.1975)

Professional Career


  • 1967-1971 Technical College, Kuala Lumpur; Diploma in Land Surveying.
  • 1976-1979 University of East London; B.Sc.(Hons) Land Surveying Sciences.

Career & Experience

  • Lands & Surveys Dept. Sabah, Malaysia
    • Jan. 67 - April 71 Survey Assistant
    • April 71-Nov. Assistant District Surveyor
  • Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd, Hong Kong
    • Nov 72 - 76 Survey Assistant (Engineering) with Mr. Keith B. Gordon, NZIS
    • Sept 76-79 University of East London (formerly known as North East London Polytechnic); July 79 earned BSc. (Hons) Degree in Land surveying Sciences.
  • Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd, Hong Kong
    • Feb. 80 Senior Survey Officer (ENG) in Tai Po/Fanling New Town Development
  • China Light and Power Co
    • 1981-82  First Surveyor
  • Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd, Hong Kong
    • 1982-85 Chief Technical Officer held against Land Surveyor Post
      Project: Shatin and Ma On Shan New Town Development.
    • Nov. 84 Earned RICS professional qualification.
    • Nov. 85 - 93 Promoted to Resident Land Surveyor
      Projects: Shatin and Ma On Shan, Tai Po, Fanling and Tsung Kwan O New Town Development working with 250 site staff.
    • 1993 - 96 Senior Resident Land Surveyor
      Project: Airport Core Program Projects: West Kowloon Expressways N & S Sections (HKD2500 millions)
    • 1996 - 2001 Resident Land Surveyor Central Wan Chai Trunk Sewers
      Project: 5.3km long and -13m deep trenchless 2.5m diameter tunneled trunk sewer pipe line underneath busy Connaught Road through high rise and expensive commercial and office blocks to reach the new Pumping Station at Wan Chai.
    • 2001-present Senior Resident Land Surveyor T7 Trunk Road in Ma On Shan 
      Project: A HKD1360 million project of 3.5 km 6-lanetrunk road consisting of 6 bridges, two viaducts three footbridges, two curved tunnels passing through bedrock, extensive earthworks and a good network of drainages and retaining walls etc. connecting from Hang On to Sai Sha along the foot hill of Ma On Shan.

Professional Qualifications

  • 1980 Member of Institution of Surveyors, Australia
  • 1984 Professional Associate, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, U.K.
  • 1985 Member of Hong Kong Institute of Land Surveyors
  • 1985 Member of Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia
  • 1985 Member of Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
  • 1991 Fellow of Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
  • 1993 Fellow of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, U. K.


1987-88 President of Hong Kong Institute of Land Surveyors. (Realizing the needs and importance of a single strong surveying institution I initiated the amalgamation of HK Institute of Land Surveyors with HK Institute of Surveyors). The two institutions merged in Nov. 1989.
1992-94 Chairman of Land Surveying Division, HKIS. Serving 3 terms
1995-96  Junior Vice President of Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors.
1996-97 Senior Vice president of Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors.
1997-98 President of Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors.
1998- Present Chairman of International Committee, HKIS. Serving 2 terms
1999 Founding President, HK Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
1999 - 2000  Chairman of the Organizing Committee, The 3rd Across the Strait Geomatics Conference between Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.
1999-present Chairman of the Organizing Committee, The 7th South East Asian Survey Congress scheduled 3 - 7 November 2003 in Hong Kong.
2001/10  Chairman of Organizing Committee, FIG Working Week 2007 in Hong Kong.
2003 - 2006  Vice President of FIG (Federation of International Surveyors)

Extra Curriculum

1988 July  Led 21 delegates to 3rd South East Asian Survey Congress in Bali
1991 June  Led 22 delegates to 4th South East Asian Survey Congress, KL.
1991-96  Education Advisory Committee Member, HK Polytechnic University.
1992/6  Led 39 professional surveyors to official visit to Wu Han University of Technology and Surveying, China.
1995  Organized HKIS' Presidential Visit to Institution of Singapore Surveyors and Valuers and Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia.
1996-present  Member of Professional Services Advisory Committee, HK Trade Development Council.
1996-97 Chairman, Board of Registered Professional Surveyors
1997-99 Member of Tourism Development Steering Committee, HKTA.
July 1998  Led 3 Office Bearers and 6 delegates to 20th General Assembly of The Federation of International Surveyors (FIG), Brighton.
At the same occasion led 3 Office Bearers and held an important meeting at institutional level with The President of RICS, Mr. Richard Lay and his team of Officers in formulating the RICS-HKIS Cooperation Agreement between the two surveying institutions. The RICS-HKIS Cooperation Agreement was finalized and signed in Hong Kong by Mr. Richard Lay and me on the 30th November 1998.
Nov. 1999 Led 10 delegates to 6th South East Asian Surveyors Congress, Perth, Australia and had successfully secured the bid to host the 7th South East Asian Surveyors Congress in November 2003 in HK expecting about 700 delegates from 30 countries will come to Hong Kong in 2003.
1999 Hong Kong Tourist Board Award of Convention Ambassador.
2001 May Representing HKIS in attending FIG Working Week and President's Meeting in Seoul, Korea.
2002 April Led 9 delegates to FIG General Assembly Washington DC.
Elected as Vice President of FIG


Travelling, golf, swimming. hiking.


T. N. Wong
Office: Maunsell Consultants Asia Ltd.
8th Floor,  Grand Central Plaza. Tower 2
No. 138 Shatin Rural Committee Road
Shatin, N.T.
Tel. + 852 2607 7888, 2607 7838
Fax + 852 2687 2322
Mobile + 852 9091 2961
E-mail: wing98nz@netvigator.com
Web site: www.maunsell.com.hk

Home: Rm 1101,11/F., Fully Mansion
34-36 Swatow Street
Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
Site office: No. 7 Lok Wo Sha Lane
Ma On Shan
NT. Hong Kong
Tel. Office + 852 2643 8026; mobile + 852 9091 2961
Fax Office + 852 2643 3559; home + 852 2471 2190
E-mail: wing98nz@netvigator.com or t7sls@nevigator.com 

26 November 2003

  About FIG  
General Assembly
Task Forces
Permanent Institutions
General Assembly
Task Forces
Permanent Institutions
Council 2023-2026  
Council 2019-2022  
Council 2015-2018  
Council 2011-2014  
Council 2007-2010  
Council 2003-2006  
Council 1999-2002  
Council 1996-1998  
General Information
Work Plan
Council Members
President Magel (2003-2006)
Vice President Drees (2003-2006)
Vice President Schroth (2003-2006)
Vice President Wong (2003-2006)
Vice President Enemark (2003-2006)
Vice President Allred (2005-2008)
Congress Director Gollwitzer