Preparing your presentation   Preparing your Video Presentation
  Guidelines for writing papers   Terms and Conditions
Speakers Ready room
  Session Chair   Rapporteur


Before the FIG Working Week

How to submit

The Call for Papers is announced both for peer review papers and regular/non-peer review papers. We invite you to submit an abstract for the FIG Working Week 2025 for non-peer review papers by 19 December 2024 and submission of full paper and abstract for peer review papers is 1 December 2024.

The abstract shall be between 250 and 500 words in length describing the objectives, results, conclusions and significance of your work. The abstract shall include the names and affiliations of all authors. When submitting your abstract, the number of abstracts is limited to a maximum of one per author. Further, an author can only once be a co-author in another abstract. It means an author can only be involved in two abstracts, once as first author and once as co-author. Please feel free to submit an abstract on any topic related to the specific topics of FIG Working Week 2025. You can submit your abstract as “peer review” or “regular/non-peer review”.

Before you begin - To submit your abstract you will need to have the following items ready:
Submitting your abstract
Peer review paper

This review process is “double-blinded”. At least two independent anonymous experts are reviewing your anonymized paper twice. After submitting your abstract, you will receive a confirmation email. Please submit full paper to by 1 December 2024, otherwise your paper will be dropped from the peer review process, and your abstract will be handled as a regular paper instead.  

In the conference programme a paper that has been accepted by the peer review process will be marked “This is a peer reviewed paper”. Papers that are not accepted by the peer review process can be offered to the conference as non-peer reviewed papers.  

Accepted peer review papers will be published in FIG Peer Review Journal (ISSN No 2412-916X). For the journal, please visit   When preparing the paper, it is important to follow the guidelines presented below.

Authors for peer review papers will be asked to submit a video presentation of a maximum of 4 minutes. The video presentation will be included in the proceedings and the peer review journal. Peer review papers and video presentations will be connected to a session.  Also note that only a selection of authors will be invited as panellist/presenter. This is a decision of the editorial board and cannot be influenced by the author. At least one author of a peer review paper must register and pay the registration fee to be included in the proceedings, journal, and technical programme.

Non-peer review Paper

A committee will make the final decision, whether an abstract will be accepted or rejected. The acceptance and inclusion in the proceedings are contingent on –

Please note, your paper will be connected to a specific session and included in the proceedings. Also note that only a selection of authors from the open call for papers will be invited as presenter / panellist directly in sessions. 

Guidelines for writing papers

Authors of all accepted abstracts at the FIG Working Week 2025 must submit a full paper. It is important to follow the guidelines outlined below. Papers submitted with incorrect formats will be returned to authors. The full paper has a maximum length of 15 pages.

All full papers for regular abstracts shall be uploaderd to your abstract.

but no later than 1 December 2024 for peer-review papers and 1 February 2024 for non-peer-review papers.

One, or more authors of every paper must register for the conference. Failure to do so may result in the withdrawal of your submission. The latest date for registration by authors is 1 February 2025.

Format for papers

Please use this template when writing your paper:

Page Size: A4 Portrait
Margins: left, right, top - 2.5 cm (1 inch)
bottom - 5 cm
Page numbers: 15 pages maximum, including abstract, pictures, diagrams, references and appendices.
Footer/Header: Keep empty
Format: Text should be typed on word processor MS WORD in single line spacing (of 12 character spaces) using Times New Roman 12, text justified. Paper size: A4 (210mm x 297 mm), with clear margins as follows: top, left and right 25mm, bottom 60mm and footer 20mm.
Title: Bold letters Times New Roman 14 (centred), leave one line empty (14) after the title:
Author and co-authors: Times New Roman 12 (centred, bold), please write your full and your surname or the name, you wish to be listed by in the programme, in capital letters (e.g. KIM Geun-pil or Juan Pereira GARCIA MARGUEZ), and country. Leave two lines empty (12) after the name.
Keywords: Four or five key words on paper theme (Times New Roman 12, ranged left), leave two lines empty (12) after keywords.
Summary: Times New Roman 12, justified. Summary shall be submitted in English and in one other language (optional) e.g. French, Spanish or your own language. The summary shall not exceed one page.
Text: Times New Roman 12, full justification, single line spacing between paragraphs.
Headings/Numering: Times New Roman 12, bold, capital letters, ranged left:
Type text here …  
2.1 Subtitle, level 2
2.1.1 Subtitle, level 3
Type text here …
Symbols and units: Only use “long dash” ( – )
Table and Figure captions: Line drawings, Diagrams and Graphs, Tables, Formulae and Photographs should be inserted in the word document. jpg-format for photographs, formulae and figures is preferred.
Reference: Bibliographical references should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. The following sequence and punctuation should be used: Author’s last name, author’s initials, year of publication, title of reference article, name of book or journal (or other), volume number, page numbers, city and publisher. In the text, the reference is to be giving the author’s last name and the year of publication in parentheses.
Biographical notes: A short summary on career-to-date e.g. with details of past experience, publications, memberships of societies and associated achievements.
Contacts: At the end of the paper please give the author's contacts (institution, address and telephone, e-mail address and web site address) as indicated in the template.
Publication rights: By submitting the full paper to the conference organisers each author agrees to give FIG - International Federation of Surveyors  the right to publish his/her paper in the FIG 2024 proceedings on the FIG web site without any compensation and further to give FIG the right to include the paper in the FIG Surveyors’ Reference Library and further in the FIG Journal if selected for this purpose.

Peer review papers


The aim of the Peer Review is to

General Procedure

In the conference programme a paper that has been accepted by the peer review process will be marked “This is a peer reviewed paper”. Papers that are not accepted by the peer review process can be offered to have the paper included as non peer reviewed.

If you want a peer review paper at the FIG Working Week 2025 you shall submit your abstract here and send your full paper to by 1 December 2024. When preparing the paper, please follow the guidelines prepared for papers. Please feel free to submit a paper on any topic related to the specific topics of FIG Working Week 2025.

Deadlines for different steps can be seen under Important dates.

Important: In addition to submitting the full paper, you shall also submit an abstract of your paper online to FIG database on the following web site: Please mark “This abstract is submitted for peer review”.

The number of papers for peer review is limited to a maximum of one paper per author.

Terms and conditions

When submitting a paper the author(s) agree that FIG has the right to publish the paper in the conference proceedings (at the conference and on the FIG web site); in the FIG Surveyors Reference Library; and in the FIG online journal (if selected for this purpose) without any other agreement or compensation. The copyright of the paper remains by the author(s).

Please note – All accepted papers will be scheduled into the Conference Programme

Receipt of your paper will be acknowledged electronically according to the time schedules.

Preparing your presentation

The template ensures uniformity across presentations during the FIG Working Week and recognizes our sponsors. On the last slide you will have the opportunity to showcase how the presented content contributes to achievement of the SDGs. 

What our sessions can do well are articulate interesting ideas, bring new issues forward for discussion and debate, and connect people with each other.

What our sessions cannot do well are present full papers thoroughly, assess results rigorously, nor discuss deep issues in depth.

The goal of presenters is to stimulate audience discussion (and desire to read the papers presented).

Presentations are unsuccessful when the audience is not motivated to read the full paper. The following are some ideas for how authors can get the audience engaged and excited about the paper. Most practices in the DON'T column are standard procedure and the suggestions may seem radical. However, the object should be a presentation that covers less but makes a compelling argument that the paper should be read.


Purpose of Presentation
  • Present enough to tell the audience that the paper is worth a read and tell a good story.
  • Present summaries of all sections of the paper

Format & Timing

  • Consider starting with the conclusion and then explain why you reached it (e.g. methods/results).
  • Plan for a short presentation - it is easier to expand on points than it is to cut things out.
  • Use fonts larger than 28 pt & no more than 10 slides.
  • Do focus on your results.
  • Save the punch line as a sort of surprise ending.
  • Plan for 20 minutes in case there is extra time.
  • Use small fonts or too many overheads.
  • Don't focus on theory or methods (unless that is your contribution).


  • Do focus on what is interesting and new about what you have learned.
  • Do try to start off with a real-world analogy/story. 
  • Don't focus on why you decided to do the study.
  • Don't be too conceptual.

Audience Interaction

  • Look people in the eye and talk to them (not at them).
  • Identify places for audience input. Ask rhetorical questions at key points and wait for responses.
    For an empirical paper, ask the audience to vote for alternative explanations of the results.
  • Give a monologue describing your research.


  • State the problem, why it is interesting, and what you will add.
  • Explain what is new in this model over past contributions.
  • Present a literature review of the area (cites, etc.).
  • Explain every arrow in a complex figure.


  • Provide an overview of why the measures are linked to the theoretical construct. Establish face validity and assure that more rigorous methods were applied.
  • Describe the sample measures, and validation of instruments.


  • Present what was significant. Explain what the data tell you. People will read the paper to get details if the paper seems important.
  • Present any tables with numbers


  • Answer broadly what we have learned and what needs to be done now.
  • Review each result and summarize what was significant.

Final Slide

  • Identify which SDGs are most relevant to the presented content.


Please note – Allocation of presentation times throughout the meeting will be determined by the conference organizers and once allocated cannot be altered. We cannot accept individual requests for specific timings due to scheduling complexities

Preparing your video presentation

You are  encouraged to submit a 4 minutes video presentation which can be included in the programme.

The presentation can be recorded by any of the co-authors and will be available during the FIG Working Week and on-demand after the conference concludes.

We request you to prepare and upload a video of your presentation, comprised of a brief introduction with webcam, if desired, followed by voice over slides for your presentation. Please note that the file must be a video file in MP4 format (more details below).

There are several video conferencing tools available to easily record a presentation. In this method, you can show your face via webcam (if you’d like) and display your slides as you talk. You can use any meeting software as long as you get a good quality recording and your final file is in the MP4 format. Here are some links to instructions on recording a meeting on common platforms:

You can also use the two step method covered below: Create Voice Over Power point and convert to MP4

Guidelines for preparing your video

Duration: 4 minutes
File size: 100MB max
Video file format: mp4
Dimensions: Minimum height 480 pixels, aspect ratio: 16:9 (preferred)

Please note the final specifications will be checked at the time of submission and files not compliant may not be uploaded.

File format

Tips for recording:

Uploading your video

Please send your video to: to be udpated


At the FIG Working Week 2025


Speakers Preparation Desk

Location: to be updated
Opening hour:

All Speakers are requested to visit the Speakers’ preparation room at least 2 hours prior to the start of your session. There will be technicians waiting to assist you. You are required to have your presentation on an USB Memory Stick or External Portable Hard Drive, and the technician will download your presentation to the central system. You will help the technicians by having the session number of your presentation ready so that we can make sure that your presentation will be sent to the correct session room. Please notice that there are no computers available for elaboration on your presentation.

Please notice that you are required to bring your presentation to the speakers preparation room, you can not bring it directly to the session room. If you do not have any visual aids or requirements you must still check in at the Speakers’ preparation room to inform the technicians that you are present.

It is important that your presentation is named correctly so that it can be showed in the session. Please name your presentation in the following way:

Presentations must be prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) or (PPTX) or the presentation converted to Adobe PDF format and saved onto an USB Memory Stick or External Portable Hard Drive. Floppy Disks, 35mm Slides and Over Head Transparencies are not accepted.

No own laptops are allowed. Your presentation must be shown through the computer in the room with your session. Presenters who wish to use their own laptop due to special software requirements are requested to check this at the Speakers’ preparation room. Again, please check in at the Speakers’ preparation room 2 hours prior to your presentation.

Session Chair

In the technical session there will be a chair and a rapporteur. The chair will introduce you to the audience based on the information that you have included in your paper. The chair will be responsible that all speakers in the session will have the same time to make their presentation. He/she will also reserve some time for questions/discussion either after each presentation or at the end of the session. Number of papers per session varies, so please follow the instructions of the chair in your session. There may be some last minute changes (e.g. drop outs) that may impact the time schedule.

Our profession, and therefore FIG, has a key role to tackle the global challenges. For each session the relevant SDGs have been defined. Additionally we ask each presenters to showcase how their work contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. We have included a final slide in the presentation template, where they can select which SDGs are most relevant to the presented content. For more information and inspiration see the identified SDGs per commission and sessions as indicated in the technical programme FIG Working Week 2025.

As chair of a session we provide you with additional suggestions for questions after the presentations. 

Suggested questions:


The role of the rapporteur is to evaluate the session. The rapporteur will observe the session and fill in a questionnaire, which will be used to evaluate the technical programme.



Call for Papers
Abstract Submission
Guide for Presenters
Important dates