FIG Commission 2 - Professional Education

Working Group 2.1
Developing academic networks for knowledge sharing

Experience has shown that regional networks of academic institutions supports knowledge sharing in areas of education, research and capacity development.


  • To share knowledge and good practices in surveying curricula and programs across educational institutions and across countries – especially through existing and newly created academic networks.
  • Contribute to the final Commission 2 report on professional education.
  • To seek feedback from these academic networks on changes in curricula and approaches to professional education that respond to the changing nature of the surveying profession.
  • To discuss and describe core competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) for the education of future land surveyors and land professionals.
  • Exploring the needs of society and endorsing universities and other educational organizations to develop mechanisms and processes that will help to meet those needs.
  • Knowledge sharing. Promoting sharing of advances in professional education, research in surveying education and training and initiate joint projects (curriculum development, educational material development, joint courses, quality assurance etc.). Improving dissemination of information on educational theory and practice to the members across the world
  • Supporting capacity building for surveying education in the developing world, through strengthening knowledge transfer (including with UN-GGIM, RICS and regional academic networks).
  • Cooperation with other professions. Reinforcing cooperation with Educational Commissions Report on Professional Surveying Education Challenges, trends, and latest approaches (methods and content of education) Regional Capacity Development and Knowledge Sharing. Cooperation with other professions Regional training and CPD of International Organisations on the related professions.


Dr. Dimo Todorovski, the Netherlands

Specific projects

  1. The University of Twente, Faculty ITC, has been actively involved in the initiation and strengthening such networks of academic institutions. Examples are the existing Eastern Africa Land Administration Network (EALAN), as well as lastly initiated Latin America Land Administration Network (LALAN). Within the framework of these networks, short courses, tailor made trainings, seminars and regional workshops are performed in order to strengthen education and build capacities required in particular region. During these activities, existing curricula are presented with aim to update and further develop the existing one, and this is a fruitful platform for new initiatives sharing and experience exchange.
  2. Leveraging off these networks this WG can conduct a questionnaire of academic members in these networks to find out the regional perspectives of curriculum needs and teaching materials etc (supporting WG2.2). Perhaps also learning styles (supporting WG2.3)
  3. Collaboration with the Training and Research Cluster of the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) on a Knowledge Base on Responsible Land Administration. Involve FIG as a partner in the development, piloting and dissemination of the GTLN Knowledge Platform on Responsible Land Administration. Under this project 6 Modules have been developed to first draft stage and the focus in 2018 is on moving them towards online publication and freely available. FIG can add value and as a GLTN partner I am sure we can discuss adding the FIG badge to the output for example. We would work with GLTN to move this forward (Cluster co-chair Eugene Chigbu of TUM).
  4. Possible engagement with: Diane Dumashi as overall chair of the FIG Regional Capacity Development Network, Jennifer Whittal is the incoming chair of the FIG Africa Regional Network and is developing a Network of Academic Institutions in all of Africa, Robert Sarib for Asia/Pacific, as well as Eugene Chigbu (Co-lead of GLTN Training and Research Cluster). There is a strong opportunity to coordinate the activities of Commission 2 working Group 2.1, FIG Africa Regional Network, EALAN, NELGA, and the GLTN rollout of the Responsible Land Administration Knowledge Base.

The working group will further be involved in developing initiatives to support professional education at other levels than the academic education, such as the level of polytechnics and vocational training institutions.

Strengthening knowledge management and organizational learning in FIG and its members will be a theme for this working group. The use of OICRF, Surveying Reference Library and Surveying Education database, as a knowledge and learning platform for FIG will be explored and further developed. This will be done together with the responsible members and the FIG Secretariat. The new FIG website is an important factor in this initiative.

What we are working on -

  • Contribute a chapter on the role of regional academic networks to the Commission 2 report on surveying education.
  • Developing Latin America Land Administration Network (LALAN); for FIG 2019 (or FIG 2020)


What's New


The Working Group organised one session with the FIG Congress 2022: Blended Learning for Surveying Education

This session involves presentations and discussions related to the main chapters of the upcoming FIG report on blended learning for surveying education. Topics include staff and student perspectives, best practices, technology and infrastructure, and the benefits of blended learning.

Audrey Martin (Ireland), David Mitchell (Australia) and Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands):
Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Staff and Student Perspectives (11757)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

William Kelly (United Kingdom), David Mitchell (Australia) and Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands):
On Good Practices in Blended Learning (11758)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Mohsen Kalantari, David Mitchell (Australia) and Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands):
Blended Learning Technology and Infrastructure (11759)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands) and David Mitchell (Australia):
Benefits of Blended Learning for Surveying Education (11760)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]


The working group organised one session within the FIG e-Working Week 2021: Regional Academic Networks: Lessons from COVID-19 for SDG Goal 4 (education) 

The aim of this session is to explore how the SDG Goal 4 targets and indicators would benefit from regional academic networks drawing on the lessons learned as we transitioned to fully online education.

Effective regional academic networks allow effective sharing of knowledge with good online learning management systems and learning materials, and the online platforms also allow good teachers to reach more students through effective regional networks connected online. This will potentially help support improvements in

  • Targets 4.3 and 4.5 - by improving access for both women and men.
  • Target 4.7 - the networks make it easier for learners to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development.

Menare Royal Mabakeng, Stephnie De Villiers, Celina Awala, Ase Christensen and Uchendu Eugene Chigbu (Namibia):
Supporting Capacity Development in Land Administration in Namibia: The NUST Experience (11034)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Rodolfo Salazar, Ginella Jacome (Ecuador) and Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands):
Latin America Land Administration Network (LALAN), Covid19 and SDG 4 (11084)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Rosario Casanova and Paula Caram (Uruguay):
Teaching on the ethical use of geographic information in America (11120)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Jossam Potel (Rwanda) and Monica Lengoiboni (Netherlands):
The Eastern African Land Administration Network and Covid 19: Effects and Implications (11148)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]

Uchendu Eugene Chigbu (Namibia), Elias Danyi Kuusaana (Ghana) and Menare Royal Mabakeng (Namibia):
Structural Holes in Academic Networks: Lessons from Bridging Competency Gaps in Land-Related Education and Learning in Africa (11170)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts] [video]


Session 2: Blended learning: lessons from our responses to COVID:19 - in cooperation with FIG Commission 2  - Education

During 2020, there have been significant developments in surveying professional education due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Many surveying academic institutions rapidly adapted by moving learning and teaching completely online. This session aims to focus on the lessons from these experiences for future blended learning.



Working Group 2.1 organised and chaired one session within FIG Working Week 2019. TS04B: Enhancing Surveying Academic Networks

The aim of this session was to hear from examples of academic networks that have been established and their experiences, and also to discuss how we can further develop these networks and establish new ones. The format will be 4 presentations followed by a discussion. These presentations describe established academic networks in Africa and Latin America as well as discuss opportunities for the FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network and the Global Land Tool Network to enhance professional education.

Rob Sarib, David Mitchell, Mohsen Kalantari (Australia) and Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands):
Opportunities for Fostering Development of Academic Networks in Asia and the Pacific Through the FIG Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network (10147)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands), Rodolfo Salazar, Ginella Jacome (Ecuador) and Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands):
Establishment of Latin America Land Administration Network (LALAN) (10145)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Agnes Mwasumbi and Felician Komu (Tanzania):
The Role of the Eastern Africa Land Administration Network (EALAN) in Promoting Land Administration Education in Eastern Africa (10148)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Uchendu Eugene Chigbu (Germany), Sait Siraj (United Kingdom) and Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands):
The Global Land Tool Network: The Role of the International Training and Research Cluster in the Strategy 2018-2030 (10149)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Jennifer Whittal (South Africa):
An Academic Network for Africa (10146)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

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