FIG Commission 7

Geospatial Mobile Application review - PLEASE CONTRIBUTE

Conscious of the important role of geospatial technologies in supporting national responses to the COVID19 pandemic, UNGGIM Academic Network, FIG Commission 7, the University of Melbourne and ESRI Colombia, have joint efforts to produce a rapid technical paper on COVID-19 geospatial mobile applications.  This paper will include a description of selected mobile applications across the world and categorization of them. 

The review will focus on overall functionalities and technical characteristics and it will not cover data privacy and legal implications. It is expected that the document will improve technical knowledge around the world on the use of geospatial mobile tools for pandemic response and create a platform for information sharing, technical discussion and global development support.

We invite you to be a contributor to this document by reviewing one or more geospatial mobile applications in your country, language or region. This is a quick review and we recommend the following steps:

  • Download, install and test the functionalities of the application (you might have done this already in your daily life)
  • review available documentation produced by the government or developers on the application, particularly the geospatial component
  • respond to an online questionnaire before Friday the 8th of May 2020 in this link:

All contributors will be acknowledged in the publication including their full name, position and affiliation. Additionally, as a contributor, you will have an opportunity for a group discussion with the general analysis conducted as well as the first view of the report and information produced.

Due to the urgency of the situation, we request you to provide your contribution as soon as possible and no later than this Friday 8 May 2020. Feel free to forward this invitation to others who might be interested in being a contributor.

COVID-19 is a global problem that can only be solved with international cooperation and solidarity. As a geospatial community, we hope our effort in reviewing these mobile applications would help countries (particularly in the developing world) to better use technology as a tool to infection control, contact tracing, and physical distancing.



Daniel Paez, PhD
Chair Commission 7 Cadastre and Land Administration - FIG


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