FIG Commission 2

Report to 62rd PC Meeting in Berlin,
May 1995


The year 1994 was dominated by creating the plan of work for the years 1994-1998 and by the formation of the working groups for implementing the resolutions adopted at the Melbourne Congress.

1. Working Groups
Five working groups have been established for dealing with the following issues:

The term of reference are in place for the working groups. The progress of the working groups will be discussed during the Cmmission meeting to be held at the forthcoming PC Meetings. The final results and reports of the working groups will be presented at the 1998 Congress in Brighton. The national delegates to the Commission will be encouraged to take part in the ongoing work.

2. Database on Surveying Education
The creation of the database (Resolution 2/1-1994) has two purposes: i) to provide and promote information to students about locations of places for surveying education and ii) to use the data to obtain an independant listing for surveying programmes within the UNESCO's International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED).

The FIG Database is establish covering 36 countries. The FIG Database, however, still has to be merged with CASTLE Database which is based on a semilar questionnaire. The resulting total database will, by then, be made available to the public via Internet.

The results of the questionnaire has already been forwarded to UNESCO. The effort of obtaining an independant listing for the surveying profession is now waiting for the UN to identify the future structure regarding revision of the ISCED.

3. Support of Developing Countries
Efforts of institutional support (Resolution 2/7-1994) have been made for the Pacific and the African Region.

The Commission chairman has supported the efforts of the Fiji Institute of Surveyors on establishing a four-year surveying education p´rogramme at the University of South Pacific, Fiji, to be available for the regional countries. A work-shop will be organized in the Spring 1995 in Suva, Fiji, for developing the political consensus and adopting a plan of action. Commission chairman and officers will support formation of the work-shop programme and sponsor the event by participation.

Commission 2 will support and contribute to the FIG/CASTLE seminar taking place August 1995 in Herare, Zimbabwe. Commission chairman and officers wil participate and help the formation of an African Regional Working Party for establishing and improving surveying education programmes.

4. Events
Commission 2 will sponsor and contribute to the XV North American Geomatics Teachers Conference which will take place 29-31 May, 1995, in Quebec, Canada. Commission chairman and delegates will participate and present papers promoting the FIG Commission 2 activities.

Commission 2 will contribute to the meeting of the IUSM, Working Group on Education to be held during the IUGG XXI General Assembly in Boulder, Colerado, 2-14 July, 1995. A FIG Commission 2 position paper will be presented.

Commission 2 will lead and contribute to the seminar "Education and Professional Training" to be held during the 63 PC Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 15-19 April 1996.


January 1995


Stig Enemark
Chairman of FIG Commission 2

Last modified: November 1996

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