The 10th of September, 1999

Newsletter September 1999

To the National Delegates of FIG Commission 2

Dear Colleagues
In this Newsletter you will get information about Sun City Working Week and General Assembly in South Africa last May-June. First of all, I want to thank all delegates who participated the commission meeting and gave their valuable support to Commission work. Some details is also give about the work of our four working groups as well as announcement of the future coming events.

XXI FIG Working Week and 22nd General Assembly

Sun City, South Africa

Sun City welcomed us in a sunny and friendly way in the end of May. We had a nice shuttle drive from Johannesburg airport directly in front of our hotel. Two days before the opening of the Working Week Commission chairs were invited to ACCO meeting and Commission mewtings were scehduled to happen a day before official opening. So, we had plenty of time to organize also another meeting during the week.Commission 2 had two technical sessions plus one with Commission 1.

Technical sessions

In the following you have a list of our contribution in the technical sessions. Papers are available in the Proceedings.

Tuesday the 1st of June,1999

16.00 - 17.30
TS 5: Education - key to successful adaptation: surveying curricula

Liu Yanfang: Surveying Curricula in China
Liu sent her paper but could not come. Instead of Lius presentation I gave a short introduction to Commission work and also told something about our seminar in Wuhan last autumn.

Jud Rouch: Surveying Curricula Design in The USA
Jud gave a very interesting presentation – and he is a real teacher, he gave his speech without any papers, overheads or anything, he just was talking to us – wonderful!

Gianfranco Morocutti: Dougga Project
Gianfranco with his colleagues gave an interesting presentation about exercises on archeological sites.

Wednesday, the 2nd of June, 1999

14.00 - 15.30
TS 13: Working in the global village (A Joint session with Com1)

Chris Hoogsteden: Management skills, Professional Competencies and CPD policies.
Chris could not attend the working week but Tom Kennie gave his paper.

Stig Enemark: Quality Assurance in surveying education: a global model and a local case study.
As normally Stig took his audience with his wonderful style of presentation.

John Leonard: CERCO´s role in a European Community
This session was made by three excellent speakers, discussion after the speeches was led by prof. Pedro Cavero.

Thursday, the 3rd of June, 1999

9.00 - 11.00
TS 16: Education - key to successfull adaptation: virtual Academy

Bela Markus: Virtual Academy concept in Hungary

Esben Munk Sörensen: On the road to Virtual Universities - examples from Aalborg University

Grenville Barnes: Proposal for the Implementation of a Web-based Course on Land Tenure and Administration
This session was one of the best sessions in the Working week. All presentations were well prepared and given. Virtualo academy will be one of the main issues in Commission work .

Commission meetings

We had two Commission meetings on Monday and on Tuesday continuing. The main issues were :

-Working Group activities

WG1: a report on Management skills will be prepared

WG2: a Workshop on Virtual Academy will be organized in June 2001, an overview presentation on Virtual Academy concepts will be given in Prague WW

WG3: University Curricula around the world are viewed and summaries of them are presented as contribution in the coming working weeks

WG4: a Workshop on Surveying Students and University Curricula is organized in Argentina, Rosario, in 2000

More details on the WG activities you can read in the minutes of our meeting (Appendix 1).

A new FIG publication will be published in September on Quality Assurance in Surveying Education by Peter Morgan and Robert Hodgkinson.

Some other matters in the general assembly

Commission 2 report was delivered and accepted (Appendix 2).

Professor Stig Enemark was appointed as a Honorary Member of FIG. We all know Stigs FIG-career. Best Congratulations!

The main issue in discussions was the development of FIG organizational structure. A short article on this is available in the last FIG Bulletin. The next report and proposal will be discussed in the next ACCO meeting in January (Copenhagen). Decision must be made in Soul and the new organization model can then be applied first when selecting the Bureau and venue for Congress in 2010.

Educational membership was introduced as a possibility for universities to join FIG. See applicationn form in Appendix 3 as well as on FIG web pages.

Next FIG events

Next working weeks will be organized as follows:

-Prague (Czech Republic) Working Week and GA will be the next in 22.-27. May 2000, and we will have 4 papers there (see Appendix 4),

-in Prague only few sessions were available and we decided to invite mainly WG Chairs to represent overviews on WG issues

-in Prague we also organize a special meeting for Working Group 2 (Virtual Academy) in addition to Commission meeting

-Seoul (Korea) Working Week and GA will be in 6.-11. May, 2001,

-a lot of sessions will be organized and also Com 2 will have several sessions and presentations are welcome

-XXII FIG Congress will be in 21.-26. April, 2002 in Washington ,DC USA; final reports of Working groups will be presented there

-Eilat (Israel), 19.-23.5.2003, Working week and GA

Athens (Greece), Working week and GA, August, 2004

More information on the events will be delivered on FIG homepage. About:

Prague also in

Seoul more information from

Eilat more in

I wish that I am able to produce at least one Newsletter more this year. We have several acute projects like two workshops to be prepared and also development of the Educational Database. FIG Director Markku Villikka will visit Helsinki just in a couple of days and we will discuss what we can do with the EduDB.

In any question or comment concerning Commission 2 activities, please contact me ( by email, fax or post.
I wish everybody a good fall term. In spite of all what happens in the world those who work in education and with young people have always hope.
With warm regards
Kirsi Artimo

Appendix 1

Commission 2
Sun City
FIG Working Week
Minutes of the Commission meeting on 31.5.1999 and 1.6.1999

  1. Kirsi Artimo opened the meeting. List of participants in Appendix 1.
  2. General information were delivered concerning:



    -Commission 2 Report to the 22nd General Assembly (Appendix 2)

    -meeting in Oulu (Enemark, Cavero, Villikka, Artimo) in March,1999

    -FIG Publication on Quality Assurance in Surveying Education by Peter Morgan and Robert Hodgkinson, Stif Enemark introduced the publication which will be soon ready to be published

  4. Discussion on working group activities:



    Working Group 1:Management skills, professional competencies and CPD policies

    -this WG will finish its work and produce a report on "Management skills"
    -this WG will produce the final report in Washington

    Working Group 2: Virtual Academy

    -this WG will start its work by organizing some kind of link between Aalborg and Helsinki (Esben Munk Sörensen and Henrik Haggren)
    -a Workshop will be organized in June 2001, first announcement on the workshop will be in Prague 2000 (a meeting will be organized around the theme); a distance learning session will be organized during the workshop
    -in Prague a session will be organized and papers will be presented by Haggren and Sörensen on "General concepts of virtual academies wityh best practicies", by Bela Markus on "Comparison on different metadata"

    Working Group 3: University Curricula – Content Competencies, Trends and Assessment"

    -this WG will continue working on surveying curricula in different parts of the world
    -in Prague a paper will be given by Jud Rouch "A summary of models of surveying curricula which we have seen in the world"
    -Kirsi Artimo will send material to Jud, Bela Markus will send material to Jud

    Working Group 4: Surveying Students

    -this working group will work on marketing surveying and FIG among students
    -this working group will organize a workshop in South America (Rosario, Argentina) in October 2000; it will be a 2 days symposium with published proceedings; Pedro Cavero will organize the workshop
    -for Prague working week we try to organize a meeting for students, contacts will be taken to satudent organizations by Pedro Cavero
    -we try to push organizers to give special fees for students as well as organize students accommodation possibilities
    -thius working group will be in co-operation with Com 9 and Yola Georgiadou

  6. Discussion on the coming working weeks:



    -Prague (Czech Republic) Working Week will be the next in 22.-27. May 2000, and we will have 3-4 papers there
    -in Prague we also organize a special meeting for working group 2 in addition to Commission meeting
    -Seoul (Korea) Working Week will be in 6.-11. May, 2001; a lot of sessions will be organized and also Com 2 will have several sessions
    -XXII FIG Congress will be in 21.-26. April, 2002 in Washington ,DC USA; final reports of Working groups willbe presented there.

  8. Discussion on educational database

  9. -this matter will be discussed with Markku Villikka and Kirsi Artimo and Com 2 will make plans on Internet implementation of the DB

  10. Discussion on Academic members
-Stig Enemark introduced the academic membership and invited all universities to join FIG via this possibility (the form to be filled is in Appendix 3) 7. After some house announcements the meeting was closed.

Appendix 2




Kirsi Artimo

1. General

Commission 2 has been working actively and according to the work plan. The planned seminar and meetings have been organized and information on these happenings as well as general news have been delivered via Newsletters and Web pages. Some minor changes have happened in the composition of working groups as well as in nominations of national delegates.

2. Work plan

Commission 2 has followed the accepted working plan without any major changes. Working groups have been working as explained in the Chapter 5 of this report.

The chair of Working Group 2 University Curricula will be changing - professor Jud Rouch will leave the chair to professor David Gibson. However Jud Rouch will continue as a member of the Working Group.

3. Annual meeting

Commission 2 organized a successful annual meeting during the Brighton Congress on the 22nd of July. 22 participants attended the meeting. The main topics for discussion were the working plan as well as the new working groups. Four working groups were organized. The next annual meeting will be organized during the Sun City PC -meeting.

The tradition in Commission 2 is to organize the annual meeting during the congress or working week. A commission meeting is also held during the seminars which are organized between the congresses.

4. Other meetings and events

Commission 2 had also another meeting for working group chairs during the Brighton congress. The more detailed plans for working groups were made.

Working group 2 organized a seminar "University Curricula, Teaching Method, Quality Assurance" in October 14.-16. 1998 at Wuhan Technical University. It was a successful seminar with more than 40 Chinese participants. Professor Stig Enemark (Com 2), professor John Parker (Com 1) and professor Kirsi Artimo (Com 2) participated . The seminar was organized by professor Liu Yanfang, the co-chair of Working Group 2. More about the seminar can be read on the web page of Com 2.

Commission 2 had also a minor meeting in Oulu, Finland during the CLGE general assembly, March 1999. Professor Stig Enemark, professor Pedro Cavero, professor Kirsi Artimo and directror Markku Villikka met on the 27th of March. The topics dealt were mainly Sun City working week program, working group news, the situation of Web pages, the further development of the Educational Data Base and the coming seminar of Working Group 4 in Madrid in 2000 ("Surveying Curricula and Students in FIG").

Kirsi Artimo also participated in the CLGE meeting during the discussion on the Educational report. A joint seminar is going to be organized, probably on the 17th of September, 1999.

5. Working groups

Working Group 1: Management skills, professional competencies and CPD policies

Chair: professor Chris Hoogsteden.

Contributions in Wuhan seminar (Stig Enemark) and Sun City working week (Chris Hoogsteden, Stig Enemark).

Working Group 2: Virtual acadmy - distance learning.

Chair: professor Henrik Haggrén, co-chair professor Esben Munk Sörensen

Contributions in Sun City working week (Esben Munk Sörensen, Bela Markus)

An expert seminar/meeting will be organized on virtual academy probably during the next year.

Working Group 3: University curricula - content competencies, trends and assessment"

Chair: professor Jud Rouch will give the chair to professor David Gibson. Liu Yanfang will continue as the co-chair.

Contributions in Wuhan (Liu Yanfang) and Sun City (Jud Rouch, Liu Yanfang).

Working Group: Surveying students

Chair: professor Pedro Cavero.

Working Group has started a program of marketing FIG for students: already two meetings with students have been organized in which professor Pedro Cavero has given presentation under the title "Why to study surveying - why to join FIG?". The presentations as well as general FIG-info meetings have been organized in Valencia and in Helsinki during the academic year 1998-99.

WG 4 will organize a seminar in 2000 on "Surveying Curricula and Students in FIG", the venue will be in Madrid. We try to activate students to attend that seminar.

6. Forthcoming events

Previously mentioned joint seminar with CLGE Working Group 4 in September 1999. Working Group 4 of Commission 2 will organize the seminar in 2000, Madrid. Working Group 3 of Commission 2 will organize a meeting/seminar during the next year.

7. Information

Commission 2 Web pages have been moved from Aalborg University to Helsinki University of Technology and linked to FIG pages ( All information as well as documents of Commission 2 are now available there.

Two Newsletters have been sent to the national delegates (October, February). One more will come before Sun City and the fourth of this year will be just after Sun City. Newsletter will also be on the Web pages.

8. Other matters

A manuscript of a report on "Quality Assurance in Surveying Education" will be delivered to Bureau to be accepted in Sun City.

Workshops of the working groups

Working group 2.2 workshop

-home page established for WG 2.2

-a meeting will be organized in Prague

-a workshop will be organized in 2001 in Helsinki

-prof. Henrik Haggren will be the organizer

-during the workshop a distance session will be organized

Working group 2.3 workshop

-was organized in Wuhan 1998 (see report)

-prof. Liu Yanfang was the organizer

Working group 2.4 workshop

-will be organized in 2001 October

-Pedro Cavero will be the organizer

Appendix 3


Appendix 4

Prague Working week

Commission 2

We offer the following four presentations to Prague program:

Session 7:

Haggrén,Henrik and Sörensen Esben Munk:

An overview to Virtual Academy - methods and techniques.


Educational metadata.

Session 9:

Peter Morgan and Robert Hodgkinson:
Managing Quality Learning

Session 10:


Summary of models of Surveying Curricula around the World

Titles might change but the speakers have accepted the topic and they are attending Prague.
Commission 2 also would like to organize two special meetings:
Working Group 2 planning meeting on the coming Workshop on Virtual Academy
Working Group 4 open meeting for surveying students.
Commission 2 also will organize a Commission meeting.

Kirsi Artimo


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