FIG Commission 10 - Construction Economics and Management

Work Plan 2023-2026

Original work plan in .pdf-format
VIDEO: Chair of the commission Mercy Iyortyer takes you through the work plan

Terms of Reference

Cost Engineering (CE), Cost and Commercial Management (CM) and Quantity Surveying (QS)

Key words:

 Construction economics, including quantity surveying, building surveying, cost engineering and management; estimating and tendering; commercial management including procurement, investment analyses, risk management and contracts; project and programme management including planning and scheduling.

Terms of Reference

  • To provide independent, objective, accurate, and reliable capital and operating cost assessments usable for investment funding and project control across buildings and infrastructure; and
  • To analyse investment and development for the guidance of owners, financiers and contractors across buildings and infrastructure.

Mission statement

The mission of Commission 10 is to promote:

  • The practice of Quantity Surveying, Cost Engineering and Commercial Management of construction projects globally
  • Best practices for construction economics and management globally
  • Dialogue between member organizations engaged in Quantity Surveying, Cost Management, Cost Engineering, Project/Programme Management and Commercial Management within FIG
  • Foster research appropriate to better understanding of construction projects and cost management practices around the world
  • Promote cooperation among FIG Members organizations engaged in Quantity Surveying, Cost Management, Cost Engineering, Project/Programme Management and Commercial Management for their mutual well-being and that of their individual members
  • Advance continuing professional development amongst FIG members organizations
  • Secure uniformity in education, standards and methodology for construction project and cost management globally
  • Facilitate and assist in the development of formal education framework and competencies in the profession of construction project and cost management among member organizations that may not have formal education or professional development in these professions. To achieve the above mission objectives, FIG Commission 10 will collaborate with other international or regional organizations such as RICS, ICEC, PAQS, CEEC, AAQS, PMI and other similar organizations and promote the use of international standards such as ICMS (


FIG Commission 10 work plans comprise of contents that will enhance the achievement of Commission 10 missions and objectives. The existing relationship with several international organisations will be maximised to enhance exchange of knowledge, global best practices, promote innovations and standards in  sustainable construction and technology, research and collaborative activities for the benefit of FIG member organizations and humanity.

Working Groups

Working Group 10.1 – Digital Technologies in Construction

Policy Issues

In view of constant improvements in technological solutions in  Construction Projects, it is expedient to update our FIG Commission members concerning such  developments. This knowledge will create latent competencies that will conquer new frontiers for Construction Economists and Managers in line with the vision of the FIG President.


Prof. Christian Clemen, Germany

Specific project(s): BIM Workshops

Workshop(s): To be developed


Articles on Technological advancement in Construction on FIG website

Timetable: To be developed

Beneficiaries: FIG Commission 10  

Working Group 10.2– Sustainable Developments in the Built Environment

Policy issues

This Working Group will explore how to integrate sustainable construction into the value chain in the Built Environment. This means recognizing Construction projects that promote sustainability and support for communities  so as to ensure good quality of life  for both present and future generations through provision of accessible infrastructure and suitable housing. We will work with FIG Task Force on Sustainable Development Goals and Commission 9 to achieve this task.


Surv. Humphrey Amegadoe, Ghana

Specific project(s): To be developed

Workshop(s): To be developed as hybrid sessions

Publication(s): Academic publications to be promoted and posted on the website especially in collaboration with RICS and other sister organizations.

Timetable: To be developed

Beneficiaries: All FIG members

Working Group 10.3 – Cost Information Management

Policy issues

Cost Information Management enhances good business decisions and growth. Organizations and investors require efficient cost information management in decision-making processes. Measurement standards are adopted through the project life cycle from benchmarking, cost prediction, procurement and facilities management to achieve the desired result.


Surv. Sui Lai Khoo (Eric), Malaysia

Specific project(s): To be decided upon

Workshop(s): At Working Weeks (WW)

Publication(s): More recent publications on the International Construction Measurement Standards will also be published.

Timetable: To be developed

Beneficiaries: FIG Commission 10 and related Commissions

Working Group 10.4 – Commercial /Project Management

Policy Issues:  

The ability to identify and develop business opportunities from construction activities and the profitable management of projects and contracts from inception to completion is key to the success of members engaged in Construction Economics and Management. Learning to analyse investment in construction and real estate guarantees profitability of projects as businesses. We will work with Commission 9 on the real estate segment.

Chair: Bolaji Sotunde, Nigeria

Specific project(s): To be developed

Workshop(s): To be discussed and agreed upon

Publication(s): Publications on investment and projects management of projects will be hosted on the FIG website

Timetable: To be determined

Beneficiaries: Members of Commission 10 and 9

Co-operation with United Nation Organisations, Sister Associations and other Partners

The commission will leverage on the existing relationship between the FIG and United Nation and shall actively participate in activities that promote the UN Sustainable Goals (UN SDGs) in relation to Quantity Surveying, Cost Engineering and Project Management.

The commission will develop/renew collaborations between FIG and Africa Association of Quantity Surveyors (AAQS), International Cost Engineering Council (ICEC),  Pacific and Asian Quantity Surveyors (PAQS), Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE),Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and others for better collaboration and to identify areas where the relationships need to be strengthened further.

Commission Chair
QS Mercy T. Iyortyer
Past President, Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors
Chief Executive Officer – Zihabit Limited
Official email: miyortyer[at]

Personal Tel: +2348033323243
Official    Tel: +2348028303346
Vice Chair of Administration
Chair of Working Group 10.1
Chair of Working Group 10.2
Chair of Working Group 10.3
Chair of Working Group 10.4


Chair of Commission 10
Mercy Iyortyer

©2025 FIG