News in 2013

LADM2013: 5th FIG International Land Administration Domain Model Workshop

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 24-25 September

5th FIG International Land Administration Domain Model Workshop - Report

The 5th international edition of the Land Administration Domain Model workshop series was successfully held from 24-25 September 2013 at the modernized Kuala Lumpur campus of the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The event coincided with ISG2013, the International Symposium and Exhibition on Geoinformation. Additionally, a one-day STDM training event preceded both events.

Over 40 participants attended the workshop and a total of 25 peer reviewed papers were presented. Broad themes included: the industry perspective on LADM; the linkage between LADM and information infrastructures; refined LADM modeling (including legal package extension, 3D representations and formalizing LADM semantics; specific LADM country profiles; and implementation aspects. The final discussion session concluded:

  1. The need for exploration of whether, and how, LADM can contribute to the Post-2015 global development agenda, see:

  2. LADM is capable of supporting the progressive improvement of cadastres, including both the geographic and other elements;

  3. LADM is capable of supporting fit-for-purpose cadastral requirements;

  4. LADM can be integrated, and should be integrated, with other geo-information standards (e.g. to link legal spaces to their physical counter part represented in cityGML, landXML, BIM/IFC);

  5. LADM can potentially be used to support organizational integration, for example, between often disparate land registry and cadastral agencies;

  6. LADM can help to reconcile superfluous government databases and reduce the large amount of data redundancy that currently exists;

  7. LADM requires maintenance, otherwise, it will disappear. This means the ‘use’ of the standard requires ongoing monitoring (i.e. number of downloads from ISO);

  8. LADM code lists could provide the basis for establishing a complete catalogue of global land-people relationships – if such a database is deemed necessary (registries would be needed for managing the content: code list values and their definitions);

  9. The LADM user community should make all efforts to interact on an annual or biannual basis to further share and develop the standard. This could be facilitated through utilization of FIG or World Bank events through specific tracks – or potentially regional meetings;

  10. Whilst ISO maintains its own maintenance approach, another form of governance structure – potentially included a reference group – is needed to further progress the refinement and maintenance of the standard (e.g. code lists, new items).

In the proceedings, the following countries are included (alphabetical): Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Cape Verde, China, Croatia, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Kenya, Malaysia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Turkey, and United States. This broad cross section reveals growing recognition and influence for the standard. Additionally, Kean Huat Soon’s (Singapore) paper on an approach for representing actor roles in the land administration domain ontology was awarded best paper by the organizing committee.

Follow-up activities for the workshop are likely to include: 1) selection and improvement of selected papers for inclusion in an LADM Special Issue in a journal of international renown; 2) formalization of LADM governance structures; and 3) the development of a LADM 2014 or 2015 workshop program.

Picture gallery

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LADM audience focussed

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Brent Jones presenting

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Chrit Lemmen presenting Honduras

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Mario Mađer presenting Croatia

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Traditional dance at the dinner

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Joao Paulo Hespanha and traditional dances.

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Chrit Lemmen and traditional dancers

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Traditional dancers group photo

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Traditional hunter

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ISC/LADM venue, UTM Kuala Lumpur.

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STDM partcipants

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STDM discussion

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Rohan Bennett leading STDM discussion

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STDM group picture Asian

Peter van Oosterom (Delft University of Technology)
Christiaan Lemmen (Kadaster/ITC Twente University)
Rohan Bennett (ITC Twente University)

October 2013

03 October 2013

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