INTERGEO-EAST in Belgrade attracted more than 3,000 trade visitors

The first INTERGEO-EAST was organized in Belgrade, Serbia 3-5 March 2004. The exhibition attracted more than 3000 trade visitors and participants from 22 countries mostly from South-East Europe and especially from Serbia.

81 companies from 18 different countries presented their new products and services at the trade show. The Congress programme included the opening ceremony with a keynote presentation by Mr. Hagen Graeff, President of the German DVW. The opening session was followed by one plenary session including four keynote presentations among these presentation given by Dr. Andreas Drees, Vice President of FIG. FIG was represented in Belgrade also by Mr. Gerhard Muggenhuber, Chair of FIG Commission 3.

During Thursday and Friday there were more than 70 presentations given in the conference programme. Most speakers were from Serbia, Montenegro and Germany. Interpretation between Serbian and English helped local and foreign participants to follow the sessions.

More information is available on the conference web site at: 

INTERGEO-EAST was a successful small copy and transformation of the German INTERGEO with a considerable smaller trade fair combined with a thematically appropriate congress. Success for the organizers was obviously good enough to organize the second INTERGEO-EAST in March/April next year.

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