APPENDIX TO ITEM 11.8 Report for the 23rd General AssemblyFIG Working Week in Prague, 22-26 May 2000Commission 8: Spatial Planning and Development1. GeneralCommission 8 has been working since the Sun City Working week according to the work plan. The planned technical session in Prague, the participation of chair and vice-chair to the technical excursion and the annual meeting 2000 as an informal session in Prague with present delegates of the Commission 8 have been organised and information about these events are exchanged via Newsletter and e-mails. Some changes in nominations of national delegates have happened and are registered. A list of nominated delegates will be actualised after the meeting in Prague. 2. Work planCommission 8 has followed the accepted workplan without changes until now. At the annual meeting in Prague there will be discussions about the final report of the working group „Urban Regeneration". It is planned to publish a report as a guideline for national associations in this field to have an overview what surveyors are doing in planning and implementation processes in big cities. There will be practice material out of a small number of cities which the commission members visited in the last years of their work. 3. Annual meetingCommission 8 organised an annual meeting during the Sun City Working week on the 2nd of June. Main issue of the small number (8) present in Sun City was the discussion about the 1998-2002 workplan of the commission. Other items were the FIG Task force on sustainable development, AGENDA 21 and the implementation of „HABITAT II Conference"-results in the daily work of the Commission 8 events. The delegates emphasise the participation of the commission 8 members in the FIG Special Task Force about Surveyors Agenda 21 and Global Plan of Action. 4. Other meetings and eventsOn 23rd of July Commission 8 chair participated in the 25 anniversary reception of the Institute of Land management in the University of Munich with an opportunity to explain and comment the terms of reference of FIG and especially the work of the commission 8. 22-25 September 1999 Commission 8 arranged a three-day workshop in Rotterdam and the Ruhr District. 17 participants from seven countries had very good discussions about the framework, social questions, cost and benefit, environment issues and culture of landscape changing processes in the big cities of the Netherlands and the Ruhr District of Germany. A special report about the workshop results will be given in the Prague annual meeting. Commission 8 has prepared actively the working week 2000 in Prague presenting papers in a technical session about public private partnership and local problems of City Regeneration in the Czech Republic. 5. Forthcoming eventsThe Rotterdam event in autumn 1999 was planned to include the presentation of results of a world-wide questionnaire to receive projects in addition to the presented examples of the working group „Urban Regeneration". There has been only one answer to the questionnaire out of Austria. Therefore chair and vice-chair plan to publish the discussion results of the last years in a more reporting way about the involved cities world-wide. The chair and vice-chair will meet in different places and they will contact people involved by fax and e-mail. A special meeting (Publishing conference) will be discussed in Prague with the aim to get different professionals from cities to meet during the events during the URBAN 21 in July in Berlin or during the INTERGEO 2000 in Berlin in October. 6. Other mattersCommission 8 officers have requested in the Commission newsletter the national delegates to participate into the discussion and contribute to the daily activities of the commission for example by answering to the newsletter. Unfortunately no feedback was received to the latest request in June 1999 from any of the Commission delegates. Helmut Brackmann 21 March 2000 |