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FIG 22nd General Assembly 31 May and 4 June 1999 Sun City, South Africa |
Appendix to item 10: Reports from Chairs of Commissions et al.
Appendix 8: Commission 8
FIG Commission 8: Spatial planning and development
Report to the 22nd General Assembly
Sun City 30 May - 4 June 1999
1. General
Commission 8 has been working since the Brighton Congress according to the work plan. The planned technical session in Sun City, the technical excursion and the annual meeting of the commission have been organised and information about these events are exchanged via Newsletter and e-mails. Some changes have happened in nominations of national delegates.
2. Work plan
Commission 8 has followed the accepted work plan without changes until now. At the annual meeting in Sun City there will be discussions about the nomination of chair for the non-nominated Working group 2 „Surveyors and Environmental Impact Activities"
3. Annual meeting
Commission 8 organised an annual meeting during the Brighton Congress on the 22nd of July. Main issue was the discussion about the 1998 - 2002 work plan of the commission. Other items were the FIG Task force on sustainable development, AGENDA 21 and the implementation of „HABITAT II Conference"-results. The delegates emphasise the participation of the commission 8 members in the FIG Special Task Force about Surveyors Agenda 21 and Global plan of Action.
4. Other meetings and events
Commission 8 chair and vice-chair have had two discussion-meetings about the future work and events of the Commission 8 in November 1998 and April 1999. Commission 8 plans to participate actively in the working week of Prague in 2000 presenting a workshop about the 10 years memory-event of the Reunion of Germany and problems of Countries in Transition.
5. Forthcoming events
The Invitation paper for the Working Group 1 „Urban Regeneration" - workshop in Rotterdam/Netherlands and Ruhrdistrict/Germany is delivered before the Sun City meeting to all national delegates and other interested persons and organisations. The workshop will be from 22nd - 25th of September. The event includes the presentation of results of a world-wide Questionnaire to receive projects in addition to the presented examples of the working group until today.
6. Other matters
Based on the results of the questionnaire Commission 8 will edit a report on world-wide examples of urban regeneration problems, the financial and political framework, cost and benefit and the cultural and social meaning of the procedures.
Commission 8 officers pleased national delegates in a newsletter to make more comments and to give more activity in the daily work of the commission.
7. Officer and contacts
Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Brackmann
Görkenstraße 8 (from 1 June 1999)
D-46 242 Bottrop
Tel.: +49 2041 70 3212
Fax: +49 2041 70 3108
e-mail: stadtbottrop.brackmann@t-online.de
Helmut Brackmann
Commission 8
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